Category Archives: News

Mini maraton de bărcile dragon in Orsova

Pe 19-20.10.2020 în Orsova va avea loc Mini maraton de bărcile dragon, organizat în cadrul proiectului „Dragon Boats”, cod proiect: ROBG-399, finanțat prin Programul Interreg V-A România-Bulgaria.

La eveniment este planificat să participe 80 de bulgari și români, pentru care sunt organizate mese și cazare în cadrul proiectului.

Vom avea 4 bărci dragon disponibile pentru 20 de vâslași fiecare. Evenimentul va fi păzit de 2 bărci de salvare cu 4 salvamari, iar vestele de salvare sunt puse la dispoziția tuturor participanților și vor fi supuse unui scurt briefing de siguranță.

Participarea la eveniment este complet gratuită!
Pentru mai multe informații și rezervări ne puteți contacta prin e-mail la sau prin telefon: 094 600 017.

Dragon Boats Festival în Oryahovo

Pe 7-8.09.2019 în orașul Oryahovo pe plaja Dunării va avea loc Festival de bărcile dragon, organizat în cadrul proiectului „Dragon Boats”, cod proiect: ROBG-399, finanțat prin Programul Interreg V-A România-Bulgaria.

La eveniment este planificat să participe 80 de bulgari și români, pentru care sunt organizate mese și cazare în cadrul proiectului.

Vom avea 4 bărci dragon disponibile pentru 20 de vâslași fiecare. Evenimentul va fi păzit de 2 bărci de salvare cu 4 salvamari, iar vestele de salvare sunt puse la dispoziția tuturor participanților și vor fi supuse unui scurt briefing de siguranță.

Participarea la eveniment este complet gratuită!
Pentru mai multe informații și rezervări ne puteți contacta prin e-mail la sau prin telefon: 094 600 017.

Festival de bărcile dragon în Lom

Pe 5-6.09.2019 în orașul Lom pe plaja Dunării va avea loc Festival de bărcile dragon, organizat în cadrul proiectului „Dragon Boats”, cod proiect: ROBG-399, finanțat prin Programul Interreg V-A România-Bulgaria.

La eveniment este planificat să participe 80 de bulgari și români, pentru care sunt organizate mese și cazare în cadrul proiectului.

Vom avea 4 bărci dragon disponibile pentru 20 de vâslași fiecare. Evenimentul va fi păzit de 2 bărci de salvare cu 4 salvamari, iar vestele de salvare sunt puse la dispoziția tuturor participanților și vor fi supuse unui scurt briefing de siguranță.

Participarea la eveniment este complet gratuită!
Pentru mai multe informații și rezervări ne puteți contacta prin e-mail la sau prin telefon: 094 600 017.

Dragon triathlon

On July 27-28, 2019, a Dragon Triathlon from Rabish Lake to Belogradchik was held under the project „Dragon Boats“, project code: ROBG-399, funded by the Interreg VA Romania-Bulgaria Program and implemented by the Regional Development Agency and Business Center – Vidin in partnership with the Local Council for Small and Medium Enterprises – Calafat and Association Consult Group – Vidin.

The event was attended by 40 contestants from Romania and 40 from Bulgaria.

During the first day, the participants practiced dragon boating in Rabisha Lake until the beginning of the heavy rain, which blew out the tents set up by the organizers. However, this did not frighten anyone and on Sunday, on July 28th, all 80 participants showed up to the start line, equipped with life jackets, paddles and adventure mood.

The first stage – dragon boating started exactly at 10: 15h. 4 dragon boats with 20 participants each made 1 tour of the lake, and the winner was boat No 1 with Romanian racers!
The times of the boats are as follows:
• First Place Boat 1 Romania – 10.32.13
• Second place boat 4 Bulgaria – 10.38.82
• Third Place Boat 3 Bulgaria – 12.33.93
• Fourth Place Boat 2 Romania – 12.35.23

eventeen minutes after the finals of the first boat, the cycling stage of the triathlon began, with the paddlers from the first boat starting first, 6 seconds after them on second place finished boat 4 Bulgaria and 2 minutes afterwards the participants from the last 2 boats.

Competitors with electric and non-electric bicycles were eligible to participate in the bike stage, which made the race extremely interesting. The route started from Rabisha Lake on asphalt to the central Square in Belogradchik.
The fastest with a road bike in the 23 km stage was Alexander Alexandrov with a time for the second stage of 1 hour and 36 minutes. Martin Krasimirov and Yavor Angelov from Vidin with the time of 1 hour and 24 minutes were the best with electric bicycles.

In the final stage of the run, which passed from Belogradchik Square along a forest path to the Kaleto fortress with a distance of 1.7 km, Alexander Alexandrov from Vratsa turned out to be the fastest again, and also won the 1st Dragon Triathlon with a total racing time of 2 hours and 3 minutes! In second and third place with road bikes were Ivan Stoyanov of Vratsa with time of 2 hours and 7 minutes respectively and Evtim Petkov from Vidin with time of 2 hours and 20 minutes.
In the category electric bicycles, the first three places were taken by Vidin residents, respectively: first was Yavor Angelov, second Hristo Nikolaev with a time of 2 hours and 3 minutes and third ranked Presiyan Stefanov with time of 2 hours and 4 minutes.
Among women with electric bicycles Iva Mihailova from Vratsa was the strongest, and from women with non-electric bicycles Larisa Naydenova finished first to the second stage.

The next event of the project will be on August 23-24 – the festival of dragon boats in Giurgiu, followed immediately on August 25-26 by the festival of dragon boats in Ruse on the rowing channel of Nikolovo dam.

Dragon boat events

The Dragon Boat events start

The first major event of the Dragon Boats project will take place on July 27-28 in Belogradchik Municipality – Dragon Triathlon!

More than 80 participants from Bulgaria and Romania will have the chance to compete or go for fun from the Rabisha Lake to the Belogradchik fortress. The first day the participants will be able to freely exercise in rowing in the 22 passengers dragon boats. On July 28, Sunday, at 10:00, the race will be launched. The first stage will be dragon boating – 1 lap of Rabisha Lake in boats of 20 participants. Immediately after the finish of the boats the triathlon becomes an individual race and the participants continue by bicycles to the center of Belogradchik and from there on the run to the Kaleto fortress.

Registration and additional information on telephone 094 600 017; 0887 222 883 or email

For all events, you can find detailed information in the events section of

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